
Risk Assessment API

Table of Contents

Log in


Before you start accessing our API you must log in using the credentials provided by Hozint.

You can find the instructions in the Log-in API documentation.



Risk Assessment List



This endpoint retrieves a list of risk assessments for different countries.

This endpoint provides detailed risk assessment data for various countries based on travel risk, terrorism, crime, political violence, health and epidemics, natural hazards and transportation.

The lastRevision field indicates the timestamp of the last update to the risk assessment data for each country.


Method: Get

URL: api/risk-assessment/



curl -X ‘GET’ \

  ‘’ \

  -H ‘accept: application/json’ \

  -H ‘Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>’


Data Returned by the API

A list of risk assessments for different countries.With the following information:

  • crimerisklevel: The level of crime risk.
  • healthandepidemicsrisklevel: The level of health and epidemics risk.
  • iso2: The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
  • iso3: The ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code.
  • lastRevision: The timestamp of the last revision.
  • name: The name of the country.
  • naturalhazardrisklevel: The level of natural hazard risk.
  • politicalviolencerisklevel: The level of political violence risk.
  • terrorismrisklevel: The level of terrorism risk.
  • transportationrisklevel: The level of transportation risk.
  • travelRiskLevel: The overall travel risk level.
  • travelrisklevel: An additional travel risk level indicator.
  • unm49: The United Nations M49 numeric country code.


Risk Level Representation 

1 represents Low

2 represents Medium

3 represents High

4 represents Extreme


How to Query the API

You need to be logged in by providing the access token and authorized.

Since it’s a get request simply execute it.



Risk Assessment Detail From ISO2 



Retrieves detailed risk assessment information based on the iso2.

This API endpoint provides comprehensive risk assessment data for the country based on the iso2 provided, including health risks, natural hazards, crime levels, political violence, and transportation information.


Method: Get




curl -X ‘GET’ \

  ‘{iso2}/’ \

  -H ‘accept: application/json’ \

  -H ‘Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>’


Data Returned by the API

  • id: Unique identifier for the risk assessment report.
  • specific_health_problems: List of specific health problems.
  • specific_natural_risks: List of specific natural risks.
  • basic_precaution_measures: Recommended basic precaution measures for travelers.
  • country: Name of the country being assessed.


  • Travel_risk_level, terrorism_risk_level, crime_risk_level, political_violence_risk_level, health_and_epidemics_risk_level, natural_hazard_risk_level, transportation_risk_level: Risk levels for various categories.


  • transportation_summary: Summary of transportation-related risks and recommendations.
  • first_aid, police, tourist_police, fire_brigade: Emergency contact numbers.
  • last_revision: Date and time of the last revision of the risk assessment.
  • iso3, unm49, wpcountryid: Country codes.
  • terrorism_summary, crime_summary, political_violence_summary, health_and_epidemics_summary, natural_hazards_summary: Detailed summaries of risks related to terrorism, crime, political violence, health and epidemics, and natural hazards respectively.
  • general_overview: A general overview of the country.


How to Query the API

You need to be logged in by providing the access token and authorized.

Pass the iso2 in the url as a parameter and retrieve a detailed risk assessment.



Risk Assessment Category List



Retrieves a list of risk assessment categories.


Method: Get




curl -X ‘GET’ \

  ‘’ \

  -H ‘accept: application/json’ \

  -H ‘Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>’


Data Returned by the API

This API endpoint provides a list of risk assessment categories, which includes the following information:

  • id: Unique identifier for the risk assessment category.
  • name: Name of the risk assessment category.


How to Query the API

You need to be logged in by providing the access token and authorized.

Since it’s a get request simply execute it.