
Inside Hozint

Hear from our team members and clients about their experiences working with Hozint

My role is to monitor and report on past, present, and future security and safety incidents occurring in that region that may have an impact on business sectors or travel.

Ellena Walker, Risk Intelligence Analyst, Americas Desk

What do you do at Hozint?


At Hozint, I’m a Risk Intelligence Analyst. I focus on the Americas, more specifically North and Central America, although I do help out with the Southern countries as well from time to time. My role is to monitor and report on past, present, and future security and safety incidents occurring in that region that may have an impact on business sectors or travel. I also help out with editing reports by other analysts covering the Americas.


What do you like the most about your job?


I really enjoy the variety and scope of the job. Every morning when you start work you never know what you’ll be covering or what’s going to happen in the world. Sometimes I’m reporting on blockades on highways by protesters, and other times on evacuation orders and mass electricity blackouts due to a hurricane. It’s extremely diverse and challenging! I also really enjoy being able to gain so much knowledge on a region, without even realising it. You’re constantly on the go reporting on incidents and it’s only when you take a step back that you realise how much insight you’ve gained into a region, like being able to name the ongoing national security & safety trends.


What skills do you need to be good at your job?


One of the most important things I’d say is an eye for detail. In the world of intelligence and security, detail is everything. The information must be complete and 100% accurate at all times, so it’s really important to pay attention to all aspects of the information, no matter how small.
Another skill is the ability to be a fast worker, yet patient at the same time. Hozint is a fast-paced environment so it’s crucial to be able to find, analyse and report on incidents in a timely manner, but without forgetting to take your time to make sure you haven’t missed any information. If you’re too fast, you’ll miss out on something. If you’re too slow, you’ll also miss out on impactful ongoing events. You need to find the right balance between the two.


What are the most challenging aspects of your job?


The vast amount of information that you’re confronted with on a daily basis is definitely a challenge. Sifting through so much information takes a lot of time and patience (hence why you need it as a skill!) and can be quite draining at times too, especially due to its nature. We rarely report on ‘positive’ events, mostly negative, disruptive ones which is another challenge in itself. In the Americas, particularly in Mexico and the U.S., I report on a lot of shootings and killings so seeing that on a daily basis can bring you down at times.


Tell us one thing that you have learnt from your experience at Hozint?


One thing that I’ve learnt from working at Hozint is the power and reach of social media. At Hozint, we’re able to report on an event minutes or even seconds after it occurred or is unfolding, thanks to apps like Twitter. People upload information so quickly, that really, everything and anything is available to anyone, anywhere. It’s something I hadn’t really thought of beforehand, how easily accessible the information can be at times. I’ve noticed on many occasions when Hozint was actually much faster reporting on big events than certain largescale international newspapers!


How would you describe working at Hozint?


I’d characterise working at Hozint with the 3 following words: fast-paced, diverse and international. You’ll never get bored working there because there’s always something going on somewhere and no day is the same. It keeps you on your toes! Everyone comes from a different background as well so it’s nice to be part of an international team. There are plenty of opportunities to connect with them too so the networking opportunities are ample!


What kind of professional do you aspire to become?


From working at Hozint I think I’ve confirmed my calling to be in the intelligence & security field. I’m definitely interested in the governmental side of things so potentially working within the police or UK security services. More generally, I aspire to become a hard-working professional who loves (or at least moderately enjoys) their job, and have the opportunity to become an industry expert so I can share my knowledge with others.


What do you like doing in your free time?


I enjoy exploring nature and going hiking when I can. I also really like horse riding and ice skating too. Listening to music and going to concerts are other big thing for me.


Do you have any advice for people who would like to pursue a similar career?


I would say get as much practical experience as you can. I think a lot of the intelligence and security world uses and needs practical skills, which isn’t necessarily something school or university can teach you.


Where can we reach out to you?

